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Tyler Legg
Charlotte, NC, United States
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Sunday, January 4, 2009
Fishing Status: Good (Nothing really holding you back other than a few showers tomorrow.)

1.) Like the fishing status implies, if you are out fishing tomorrow you will probably run into a few scattered showers, not a washout, but more of an overcast day. You know what that means, ...BWO's. #18-22 are about right. When I was on the Davidson yesterday I used a small red San Juan Worm. Man alive, the trout attacked this thing. Like I said in my previous post, they probably thought it was a midge larvae on steroids. This is just an example that in heavily pressured streams, trying a fly the trout aren't seeing frequently is a good way of hooking up with more fish. When fly fisherman think of the "D" on a Winter day, they think of TINY BWO's and even smaller midges. Sometimes trout will be interested in a different bug. Anywho, can't wait until it warms up and camping season starts back. Camping and fly fishing...really brings back the memories from 7 years ago. I tell ya what, I honestly can't wait to start up a campfire and do a little fly tying.


chagua said...

Hi, how are you?
Today in Spain we have another xmas celebration, the coming of the three wizard kings ( los tres reyes magos), who bring all the presents to everyone ( like Santa Claus in USA). This tradition comes from the Bible, when Jesus Christ is born and this kings offer him gold, frankincense and myrrh.
I think this celebration is only done in Spain, but is very good and beautiful. Furthermore, we celebrate both xmas eve and the coming of the three wizard kings, so we have two days when we unpack some gifts.
Greetings. Fernando.

Tyler Legg said...

Hey Fernando,
Yeah I remember studying the various holidays and celebrations of Spanish culture in Spanish class. I'm pretty sure we covered Los Tres Reyes Magos...sounds fairly familiar to me. Sounds a lot like what is known to the American kids here as Santa Claus. I think that it's great Spain uses the traditions of the Bible, in this case, Los Tres Reyes Magos instead of a non biblical figure like Santa....
I have a question for you...what season is it over there? It shouldn't be much different than ours which is Winter.

Take care, Tyler (THFF)

Travis said...

I second the comment about camping. I am looking forward to a Spring camping trip on the South Holston or Caney...

Very nice picture by the way. I need to start taking my DSLR out with me more often to capture higher quality images like this one.

Tyler Legg said...

I hear you man, I'm ready for Spring and Summer. There isn't anything better than sitting by the campfire fly tying in hopes of a monster trout the next day...But first we have to make it through the Winter...When it's truly cold I'm at the fly tying desk, when it's warm I'm on the stream. The SoHO is going to be the place to fish this Spring and Summer as well as the Caney...I can't wait to get over there.

Tyler, THFF

Chris Donato said...

Congrats on the day at the Davidson. I wish I could get up that way more.

Do you ever fish the South Mills? I thought about hitting that when the Davidson filled up.


Tyler Legg said...

Unfortunately I have yet to fish the S. Mills. I'm going to have to fish the North and South Mills this year. The guys at Davidson River Outfitters say it's a great stream...almost a mimic of the Davidson in terms of numbers and sizes of the fish.

chagua said...

I'll answer your question. Here now we are also in winter until the 21 March, and I think there could be a bit of misunderstanding. When I said the season, I was talking about the fishing season( the period of time when you are allowed to fish).
So that's the answer.
We will be in touch. Fernando.

Tyler Legg said...

Yeah, I was thinking it was Winter over that way, so the fish are just finished spawning.

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