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Tyler Legg
Charlotte, NC, United States
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Thursday, September 25, 2008
1.) Rain is on it's way here in the Carolinas. It's about time, the streams were dropping quick. Tomorrow the official high is 63. This is unusual for NC because the average for Kannapolis is about 79. It is WINDY out there, so hold on, and try not to blow away. Wind gusts here in the Piedmont may reach 30 MPH. This is a text book example of a nor'easter. This kind of setup with cold air mixed, give us the most reliable chances for snow in the Winter and early Spring. If I'm not mistaken, the same setup occured back in February of 2004, when get this, 2 feet of the white stuff fell upon us here in the Charlotte area. It seems as if we only get big snows every 4-6 years. I think we are due for a big one this Winter.

2.) Regarding the report, I would say that the same old, same old, small nymphs and midges are just fine. When the rain starts falling, and the rivers start going up, try big #4 Zonkers, and streamers. Also, big, black stonefly nymphs will work. If the water gets stained or muddy, don't waste your casting for the result of breaking off one of the large browns, go with 4x and even 2x and 3x if the water is muddy enough.


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