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Tyler Legg
Charlotte, NC, United States
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Monday, September 22, 2008

1.) I am going to start out this post with a fishing report. As of 3:00 PM Boone is sitting at a temperature of 74 with sunny skies. Water flows aren't horrible either. Currently, Davidson River is at 30 CFS, which is half of it's normal flow of 60 CFS. The Watauga River is at 35 CFS, with an average flow of 49 CFS, so not to bad to be on the trout stream. But, things can and do turn around and we begin asking that question, "what happened to the stream"? Like I said with the previous posts, cooler water means more active trout, less water, means stressed fish, thin water, and extremely clear water clarity. If you want to go fishing, use at the heaviest, 6x tippet, if not 7x..... 8x? You decide. Fish may be feeding on small Isonychia adults, if the wind is calm, as well as small #16-20 Light Cahills. It still isn't to late to use small hoppers, beetles, ants, and inchworms, and this will be the case until the first frost. Up in Boone, rain may be on the way, sporadic in nature, but nonetheless rain. This Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, and then again on Tuesday the 30th, yield a 30% chance each day. Which is good news for now. Hopefully moisture from soon to be Kyle will come up our way, before things get back to a persisting drought. At least the mercury is falling from an average temp of 95 to an average of about 75.

2.) First day of Fall, and here in my hometown of Kannapolis, NC it is 79 degrees at 3:30. If fly fishing had a specific season I think it would be Fall. Cool temps, beautiful scenery, and great fishing add up to make this a wonderful couple of months. More later enjoy the first afternoon of Fall.


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