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Tyler Legg
Charlotte, NC, United States
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Sunday, September 28, 2008

1.) The Panthers continue to stay strong as they won against the Falcons 24-9. Great game, Muhsin Muhammad and Steve Smith played very well, and Jake Delhomme was ready to get another win. Carolina moves to 3-1, and hopefully they will move to 4-1 next week, when they play the Kansas City Chiefs.

2.) The weather has been fantastic today. A few showers have developed, but spotty in nature. Try your best to get out on the water and wet a line.
Sunny skies combined with 75 degree temperatures, it just doesn't get any better.
Nymphs have been the winner lately, but, since the temperatures are warm, BWO's may hatch, as well as cream midges, so have some of those ready. 6x and 7x tippets are good, as well as 9-12 foot leaders due to the clear water.

Here are a few good nymph patterns to try.
#16 BH Pheasant Tail Nymph
#14-18 Hares Ear Nymph
#16 Lightning Bug
#12-16 Prince Nymphs
#8-10 Black Stonefly Nymphs
#16 Green Weenie
#16-20 Copper John
#16-22 Green Caddis Larvae
#20-28 Midges (red, black cream, blue)

Here are a few dries to try.
#14-16 Royal Wulff
#16 Tan Elk Hair Caddis
#16 Adams
#16-18 beetles
#20-26 cream midges


Feather Chucker said...

This is a great site, you are awesome at spacing out your webpage so it's easy to read, and pleasing to the eye. Nice blog!

Tyler Legg said...

Appreciate the kind words. I was reluctant towards posting all of the gadgets, but overall it turned out to be worth it. If you have any suggestions, please don't hesitate to comment. I'm trying to maintain a decent site for fly fisherman to find info on the trout fishing here in NC. Thanks again.

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