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Tyler Legg
Charlotte, NC, United States
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Saturday, September 20, 2008
1.) The Carolina Panthers play tomorrow against the Minnesota Vikings. We now have WR Steve Smith playing for the first time this season which means he is fired up and wants a win. The last 2 games were won by the Panthers, meaning we are leading in the NFC. The first game against the San Diego Chargers (W 26-24) and the second (W 20-17) against the Chicago Bears, really helped this team to rebound from last season.

2.) Regarding the trout streams in Western NC, the water levels are still on their way down, but in return the temperatures are cooling off and the trout are much happier. At this time the Davidson River at Brevard, NC is running at 31 cfs and the normal is about 62 cfs. The Nantahala River is at 52 cfs with a normal flow being at 77 cfs. Most fly fisherman are using a dry and dropper combination, for example a #12 hopper or #14 beetle with a #16 copper John or greenie weenie. The trout are currently stocking up for the Winter, and most fish will at least look at a properly presented fly. It won't be long before the big male browns start spawning and protecting their Redd's.

3.) Fall is almost here, and officially starts late Monday morning. Up in Boone the temperatures are already dropping down to the upper to mid 40's at night, and warming only to the 60's! This is absolutely classic fly fishing weather and the fish are a lot more comfortable feeding even in the middle of the day. All I can say is bring it on.


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