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Tyler Legg
Charlotte, NC, United States
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Monday, September 29, 2008
1.) Sorry this post was late, I really have not had much time today to even sit down. With that being said, fishing has been great. Some places here in Charlotte made it up to 83 degrees today. This will change, and if you have ever heard the phrase "warm weather always reflects to cool weather", then you may witness it this week. If the weatherman is correct, we may only be in the mid 40's early Friday morning. The cold air of last week was here, and then it was gone.....for now.

2.) I will have a detailed fishing report posted tomorrow afternoon, but until then here is the makeshift report. I have not been up on the trout stream for about 3 weeks, but I have heard great things when it comes to fishing in the high country. Water levels aren't terrible, water temps are excellent, and the cold, turbulent water is aiding in the development of dissolved oxygen, which trout need to survive. As for flies, check Sunday's report for a list of go-to flies for the state right now. Again, I will post a detailed report tomorrow afternoon.


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