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Tyler Legg
Charlotte, NC, United States
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Sunday, September 21, 2008
Fall Foliage time is almost here, and fly fishing up on the Blue Ridge Parkway, or in the Smokies can really be absolutely spectacular. Smoky Mountain National Park will be bright red come early October. In fact, they should be starting to turn yellow and orange right now. There will be a lot of people in the park and up on the Parkway, but if you time it right, say on a weekday, there might not be as many tourists. To tell you the truth, I can't wait until it gets cold and snow starts falling. Fall and Winter have always been my two favorite seasons, especially for fly fishing, which isn't half bad even in the dead of Winter. Anywho, more bloggin' tomorrow.


Jeff Crum said...

Hey man.. cool blog.. thanks for knocking on mine. I've added you to my blog list so others can fine your site.

Buddy of mine from ASU owns Madison River Fly Fishing in Huntersville, don't know if you've been by, but Rob knows his stuff. Tell him the Weatherman sent you..


Tyler Legg said...

Hey cool Mr. Crum, no, I haven't been by MRFF, I need to do that. I didn't even know there was a fly shop east of Hickory...cool.

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