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Tyler Legg
Charlotte, NC, United States
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Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Fishing Status: Good (cold and windy, but possible)

1.) 2008 is about to pack it in and head on out at midnight, while 2009 takes it's shoes off and stays awhile.... I can't believe it's almost 2009. Where has the time gone?!?!

2.) As you probably now, especially if you step outside here in the Carolinas...IT'S COLD. I know all of you in the Northeastern and northern Plains states are finding this hysterical...(no 10 below readings down here, but for us, 30's for highs is mighty chilly. With all of the cold, fly fishing in the mountains may not be at it's best sometimes. With days in the lower 20's and nights occasionally dipping into the single digits and even into the negative single digits, there are a few fly fisherman that would rather pull up a chair and tie from sunrise 'till sunset. A pastor of a church up in VA is an avid fly fisherman and asked me to put together some flies that are ideal for the area that he fishes (mostly the SW VA/NE TN streams including the Clinch (now unfortunately full of sludge), Cumberland, SoHo, e.t.c. So I through a few Adams, Copper Johns, Golden Stones, San Juans, one of my simple but favorite patterns, the Inch Juan Worm, and a few streamer patterns into a box that would be perfect for the type of fishing he does. 2 weeks later he sent a thankyou card stating that it was cruel and heartless giving a fly fisherman 2 dozen new flies in the middle of the Winter time...It was great!! I'll have to talk to him when it warms up a little and plan a trip somewhere up his way.... I haven't fished the New River for smallies in a while.


chagua said...

You are very lucky in the USA, because you can fish trouts almost all the year. Here, in Spain, we cannot fish trouts from September to April. That's because the spawning period of this fish. Is trout fishing banned in a period of time there?
Best wishes for the new year. Fernando.

Tyler Legg said...

Not in most of the rivers here, the trout season is open year round in MOST streams. Hatchery supported waters are open 11 months out of the year, while delayed harvest, catch and release, and wild trout waters are open year round. Think on the bright side, if Spain's regulations limit fisherman to fish during spawning season, it gives the trout stream a period to rest from the busy fishing season. It helps to keep the fishery intact and healthy. Still 8 months is a long time without trout fishing....Carp fishing is great over there isn't it during the off-season?

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