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Tyler Legg
Charlotte, NC, United States
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Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Fishing Status: good

1.) Tomorrow's New Year's Eve...What's my resolution you may ask? To catch bigger fish, and tie more flies. We'll see if it is accomplished or not. I will probably (well, weather permitting) head out to the Davidson River in order to sharpen up my angling skills albeit the forecasted temps are in the 40's.(in other words, I'm aiming to hook that New Year's resolution trout on New Year's Day) It'll be great to get out and put my pair of Simms on and have at it.

2.) I'm going to start a "fishing status of the day" section to each blog. Really just a spot at the top of each post that states if the fly fishing up in the mountains is good, mostly in terms of the water levels, weather, and "fishability" of the trout streams in the mnts. If the conditions are ideal for the trout and fisherman alike, the status will be Excellent. If the weather is fine, but not ideal, and the water levels are a little low or a little high, the status will be good. Now, if the weather is not at it's best (i.e. too cold, too hot, rainy), it will considered slow, and a short summary of why it's slow. Last but not least, Horrible. It's a strong word, especially in the fly fishing world and you will see it only if #1. the fish grow wings and fly away 2. All of the stream become completely dry and void of all fish. or 3. The temperature drops to 50 below zero and you need ice fishing rigs to catch the trout. I doubt any of these will happen, and I hope they really don't!!!

3.) The fishing report hasn't really changed since the last post, really, you should experiment with your arsenal of patterns and find the best fly for the situation. The water is still up, so be careful and don't try to cross what looks like a safe spot to do so without double checking first.

4.) If you live in western NC or adjacent to, Friday morning may be a little icy. The weather folks say sleet and freezing rain may arrive into the region during a time period of lower 30's. It's possible, but still on the unlikely side for now. Just keep this in mind when out early Friday morning.


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