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Tyler Legg
Charlotte, NC, United States
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Thursday, December 18, 2008
Here's a few pictures from my last trip to the Smokies for a little fishing. All of these pics (and fish) were taken on the Little River, not far from the Tremont Institute inside the park.

I caught this trout (above and below pics) in a seam under some shade. My gut instinct me that this particular individual was hiding where I thought he would. It was late Summer (late August), so I tied on one of my "Inch Juan Worms", which is a creation that I came up with on one of those dark, dreary, cold, Winter days of just chartreuse chenille tied to the hook just like you would with a San Juan. Nothing to get hyped up about right? Well, apparently this 13 inch brown trout disagreed with my portrayal of the little worm. I had 6x on, because I new the largest fish in the section was probably this guy, as this section of the Little River isn't a big trophy trout producer. Also 6x was used due to the low water and clear water clarity.

Here's a few pics from the Davidson River back in April. I tell ya, April is a great time to fly fish the "D" as the fish are hungry, the water is cold, and the fish haven't seen many flies since last Fall.


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