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Tyler Legg
Charlotte, NC, United States
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Tuesday, April 6, 2010
We hit the headwaters of the Dan River and she hit us back. Could not find a single fish in the salmonid family in those waters. Round Meadow Creek, on the Parkway, was one of the more pristine streams I've stumbled across. The streams have been and will likely continue to be pretty muddy and high given the huge snow year they've had up here. I asked my grandad "So, when did the snow completely melt?" His reply was, "We saw snow a week before Christmas and it stuck around through about March 20th." I reminisced back to my trip to Montana, during one of the worst snow years they've had in years. The Madison River from Hebgen Lake downstream to Three Forks looked like an endless supply of chocolate milk. Muddy. Murky. Fast. High.
 Trail leading from the Parkway down to the creek.

Anyways, the trip today was filled with scenery and trouting. We stopped by the pond to give trouting a break. I caught several bass and several panfish. Mostly small, but fun nonetheless. Oh yeah, I was about to have a heart attack when a 50 pound plus blue catfish slowly met my #6 streamer and grabbed it. Thankfully Mr. Whiskers didn't hold on, or my 6wt, 5x tippet, and I would have been up the creek pond without a paddle. I think that was the only time I've ever HOPED a fish would NOT eat my fly. Heading out to either the East Fork of Chestnut Creek or head over to the Jefferson Nat'l Park tomorrow. Will report the results tomorrow evening.

 Blue Ridge Parkway as seen from the creek.


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