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Tyler Legg
Charlotte, NC, United States
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Monday, April 12, 2010
The weather can't get any better. It's currently in the low to mid 70's across the lower terrain and valleys of WNC. The higher streams are cooler, more in line with early spring. Conditions on the the lower elevation streams/rivers are already up to par with late spring/early summer. Quill Gordons and Blue Quills are the main insects hatching up in the higher elevations, while March Browns, Dark Hendricksons, Red Quills, Black Caddis, (and some possible surprises) are hatching in lower elevation waters. If you're still looking for Quill Gordons and Blue Quills, you going to have to go up higher. Looks like the bulk of the Quill Gordon/Blue Quill season is waning. March Browns are now starting to come out. I noticed one Saturday fluttering around while fishing Stone Mountain and lower elevation streams in Virginia. I didn't notice any other notable mayflies though (usually they'll hatch out in the evening). Sulfurs, Caddis, Light Cahills, Green Drakes, and the cream of the crop stream, the terrestrials will be out before we know it. Start filling those terrestrial boxes up!!
The one and only Lightning Bug...

In the morning, fish runs and pools with nymphs. On a bright sunny day (we've had a bunch of them lately) a Lightning Bug, or any other flashy nymph fished under an attractor dry or an indicator will work well. Pheasant Tails, Princes, Copper Johns, Hot Wire Princes, Micro Mays, etc will also work well. Try a Green Weenie if all else fails. It seems as if the Green Weenie produces when not much else will. By the afternoon/evening, switch over to dries. Your typical dries will work well: Royal Wulffs, Turk's Turantulas, PMX's, Elk Hair Caddis, Humpies, March Browns, etc.

We're currently in a fishing pattern that can't get much better. One week full of sunny, warm days and cool nights, followed by a little rain associated with cold fronts is keeping WNC streams healthy and looking up. Hopefully this pattern lasts through the summer. We definitely don't need another year of low, warm water.

**Enjoy DH waters while you can!! The season ends on June 4th.**


Bill Trussell said...

Hi Tyler
Great post and good informaiton on droppers under an attractor. My favorite is a Phesant Tail nymph. By the way it shows on my blog list that this is your first post in 4 weeks. Hope everything is o.k. Bill

Tyler Legg said...

Never fails to fish Pheasant Tails!! I agree, great flies. They work all year, which makes them versatile.

P.S. I shot you an email back. Hopefully Google/Blogger can fix the problem.

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