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Tyler Legg
Charlotte, NC, United States
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Thursday, April 1, 2010
The temperatures are heating up and the fishing is going to be crazy good folks. Quill Gordons and Blue Quills will be out in full force for a while. You might also see some March Browns in some places given the unusually warm temperatures. Black Caddis are also becoming increasingly active. Also, keep an eye out for BWO's. An unusually early warm spell has engulfed the east, providing folks with a taste of late spring/early summer. We're currently experiencing temps that should occur in late May/early June; mid 80s today and mid to upper 80's tomorrow. As always, it will be cooler in the mountains, ranging from mid 70's in the higher terrain (mid 60s 5,800 ft or so and above) and low 80s tomorrow. Combined with a light, but warm breeze, and an almost zero percent chance of rain, it's going to be NICE!!

Fishing will be spectacular over the next few days. Conditions are right for great dry fly action. Afternoons and evenings are going to be the best time for dries. Try nymphs in the morning and then a dry/dropper in the late morning/early afternoon, before switching to dries in the afternoon/evening.

Good nymphs to try:
Copper Johns #14-18
Pheasant Tails #14-20
Hare's Ears #12-18
Prince Nymphs #12-16
Hise's Hetero-Genius #12-16
Zug Bugs #12-18
Hot Wire Princes #12-16
Micro Mayflies #16-20
 Green Weenie (catches fish year-round regardless of it's representation of an inchworm) #12-14
 San Juan Worms #10-14
Y2K #12-14

Good Dries to try: 

Quill Gordon #14
Blue Quill #18-20
Brown Elk Hair Caddis #14-20
Royal Wulff #12-18
Adams/Para Adams #16-20
Black Caddis #14-18
Stimulator #12-14
Trudes #12-16
Turk's Turantula #12-14

If you're in the backcountry, wild brookie kinda mood, your general attractor patterns will catch fish right now.

**Episode 2 of the THFF Podcast should be out soon. Probably sometime this weekend, so look for that.**


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