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Tyler Legg
Charlotte, NC, United States
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Sunday, April 25, 2010
I'm not a huge midge fisherman. I fish them often enough though to know full well how effective these tiny bugs are. It has always fascinated me how fish can see such tiny flies. They are fish catchers for sure. Just because the angler can barely see them, doesn't mean the sharp eyesight of a feeding trout can't. I recently tied some midge patterns of various colors, shapes, and sizes. Here is a few that I will be trying on the midgy water of the Davidson River this summer...

March Browns are hatching all across North Carolina. Here's a March Brown tied Bob Jacklin style.


Brk Trt said...

Nice flies.
I just don't know how you guys fish them.

Tyler Legg said...

Thanks BT.

Midge fishing definitely takes some getting used to!!

Bill Trussell said...

Hi Tyler
My wife and I made it through the storms the other night, but it looks like we are in for another round by the end of the week. I hope they don't develop. I am a big midge believer,ever since I caught numbers of trout using them last year on the Caney. The Zebra Midge dropped off of a Parachute Adams is my favorite set up on the Caney. Most the time they hit the midge instead of the dry. The midge size is # 28 tiny but not as tiny as some used there. Those you have tied really look good.

Tyler Legg said...

I'm glad you guys made it through those storms. They were monsters for sure!! Maybe the next round will only bring some much needed rain and not tornadoes.

The Caney is a midge fisherman's paradise! Midges are everywhere on the Caney.

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