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Tyler Legg
Charlotte, NC, United States
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Thursday, June 4, 2009
1.) The weather here in the Old North State is definitely changing. Instead of hot, dry and sunny conditions, rain, relatively cool temps and storms are now the big headline in the weather department. Strong to severe storms are a possibility. With these storms, heavy rain, large hail and damaging winds are the main threats. Isolated tornadoes are possible but not likely. Tomorrow will yield more showers and a few embedded t'storms as well. Saturday will be sunny with a few AM showers to wrap the storm system up. Rivers will be rising...Some more rapidly than others. If you are out fishing, and you notice the water rising, make sure you get out and away from the river. Albeit rain isn't falling where you are standing, it could be pouring a few miles upstream. Once that rain starts falling upstream, the water downstream will start rising rapidly also. Trust me, you don't want to be out there in a stream when a wall of water starts racing down towards your position. I've been in several similar situations before and it can be scary. I was fishing the Hiwassee River a few years ago, and I knew TVA was releasing water, but to my surprise, "releasing water" in the Hiwassee means rising the river by a few feet. I was in one of those dazes where fishing was the only thing on my mind. Whenever I'm out on the river, I snap into trout hunting mode. I noticed that the water was getting a little higher, but I disregarded it and continued fishing. A few minutes later I realized the water was really starting to rise. It was previously at my knees...Now it was up to my hips and rapidly ascending. From then on out I'm always careful when fishing tailwaters such as the 'Wassee, or any other river for that matter.

2.) If you do plan on heading to a trout stream, bring some Zonkers, Woolly Buggers, and Sculpin patterns. The water will likely become high and stained in most locations. Until that water is high and stained, Green Weenies, San Juan Worms, Copper Johns, etc are working. Check the hatch chart on the left hand column for a more in-depth selection of flies to try.


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