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Tyler Legg
Charlotte, NC, United States
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Wednesday, June 10, 2009
1.) Up and out early (we'll see how early) tomorrow morning. I just checked the water flows for the Davidson River at Brevard, NC. Believe it or not, the "D" is right at normal. No, really, RIGHT on the dot. As of the 8 o'clock hour, the Davidson is at 111 cfs. The average to date is 111 cfs. The water temps are in the mid 60's, and the amount of dissolved oxygen is ideal. The trout aren't as spooky as they are in low water conditions such as the middle of August. I'm shooting for a fish at or above the 25" mark. There are a few fish that exceed this mark in the river. They are fed trout pellets once a day, not to mention the eggs and other nutrients that are flushed out of the raceways into the river. If more storms and/or showers hit the Brevard/Davidson River area, I may be forced to try some small streamers. The trout around the hatchery are extremely intelligent. Almost to the point that it's scary. They have seen virtually ever fly known to man, and most of the larger fish (intelligent fish) won't buy into a #6 Zonker or even a #12 Royal Wulff. They are looking for tiny midge larvae that the hatchery is famous for due to the slow and deep pools. I have tied up a lot of #28-30 Blood Midges that works very well at the hatchery section. I'm looking forward to leaving the 7x and 8x in the truck and use 5x most of the time due to the higher water. So, with all of this being said, it's time to tie up some last minute flies, make sure my nail knot is fastened to my fly line, and dream of that 25"+ fish.


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