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Tyler Legg
Charlotte, NC, United States
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Sunday, June 28, 2009
1.) I wrapped up my 4th fishing trip yesterday at 11:00 in the morning. Smallmouth Bass sounded pretty good to me, so I tried the lower/middle Tellico River. I did pretty well, catching a few smallish Bronzebacks along with a couple of Redeye Bass. The heat and the crowds started to get out of hand, so I packed it in shortly before noon. Most of the trout have migrated upstream to colder water. I didn't have a thermometer with me, I'll run by the fly shop sometime this week and get one of the William Joseph Infrared digital thermometers. If you're fishing for trout during the dog days of Summer, becoming aware of the water temperatures is crucial. The lower 70's are warm enough to kill trout due to decreasing amounts of dissolved oxygen. If you are a stillwater fisherman, a small stream running into a lake or pond is what you where you want to concentrate on fishing. This is were the water is a bit cooler and amounts of dissolved oxygen is greater.

2.) A family friend invited my grandad and I to stay with him at his vacation cabin in the mountains above the Tellico River. We fished Coker Creek, where I caught 7 bluegill in 15 minutes on a #12 Green Weenie. We then tried a small lake down the road and I managed to catch about 6 large bluegills on small hoppers fished adjacent to an area of lily pads. I changed to a #8 Fat Albert and caught a 11 inch Largemouth Bass that was taking refuge under some thick brush near shore. I was able to make a cast to get under the fly nabbing vegetation and he slammed my fly of foam and rubber legs. I lost a few fish including a HUGE 'gill that inhaled my Charlie Boy hopper with the distinctive pop they make when snatching a bug from the top of the water. This particular fish made a run for the lillies, wrapping me up on the stalk. My 3x wasn't strong enough to pull the lilly pad and fish out. Evidently, this fish is most likely swimming around with 3 feet of tippet material hanging out his mouth.

3.) Currently my dad and I are in the planning stage of a 4-5 night camping trip in the Smokies. We're discussing the possibility of backcountry camping in the middle of no where deep in the park, where the brookies are found and the bears and snakes are everywhere. On the other hand we may try Balsalm Mountain campground which is on the NC side of the park, located at an elevation of 5,310 ft asl. This is certainly a good bet in order to beat the heat.

4.) A Colorado trip next year is also in the cards (very uncertain as of now). I've always wanted to fish the Gunnison River, Frying Pan River, and the pristine waters in Rocky Mountain State Park. Yellowstone could be another possiblilty. Just don't know yet, just thinking of the possibilites. (If the airlines continue charging for the lavatory, second baggage, being forced to buy another seat for larger folks, etc, driving is fine with me...The airlines are getting ridiculous. Just saying...


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