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Tyler Legg
Charlotte, NC, United States
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Monday, June 8, 2009
1.) It's currently 84 degrees here in Kannapolis. It hasn't been too hot as of yet. If I'm not mistaken the highest temperature this year here in the Charlotte Metro was 94...That was back in late March. The mountains, from Boone to Murphy are experiencing some nice weather conditions. As of right now, Boone is sitting at 79 degrees with 47% humidity. Asheville is also at 79 degrees. I would say backcountry Brook Trout fishing "bluelining" is very productive right now, even up around the higher elevations of WNC. I'm taking advantage of the ideal weather by heading over to the Davidson River early Thursday morning. I'm fishing the hatchery section of "the D", where the trout grow big, but the flies are ever so small. #28 Blood Midges and #26 Cream Midge dries look about right....never fails on the "D". Water levels are on their way back down, so hopefully the Davidson won't be too high. It has been too long since my last trip to the Davidson. Fly Fishing has become more than just a hobby to me. I've been addicted to fly fishing for 8 years. I'll never forget what Joe Humpreys told me at Troutfest. He asked me how long I've been fishing...I told him 8 years. Immediately he replied, "the addiction will only get worse". I'm definitely a true trout bum. I wonder if there's a college course in Trout Psychology...If there was it would be out in Montana.

2.) Hatches are occurring out on all of the trout streams. Light Cahills, Yellow Sallies, Isonychias, and Mottled Brown Caddis are all imminent. The long awaited terrestrial season is finally here!! I spent the whole weekend tying tons of hoppers. Smaller hoppers are better for now, since we have just scratched the surface of Summer. Ants, beetles, inchworms, and sooner or later the cicadas (I can't wait). I would fish a Hopper Dropper right now. Try your favorite hopper pattern and use a #12 Green Weenie as the dropper. The trout are now hearing the ever increasing SPLAT from a grasshopper hitting the water. I've seen trout race clear across a pool to grab a grasshopper or cricket. Grasshoppers are a major food source for all fish species, from all three species of trout to Smallmouth Bass, Largemouth Bass and panfish.

3.) The next update should be late Thursday or Friday with fish pictures and a report from the "D". I'll be over in Vols country from early next week until the middle of August as well. Posts and reports will still be added regularly. The Hiwassee River is only 15 minutes away from my grandparents, so I'll have the chance to fish the 'Wassee a few times in the Summer.


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