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2.) Like mentioned above, I'll most likely make a quick visit by the fly shop to buy a few things. I'm tempted to buy a digital thermometer. This really helps in the Summer time when the water temps get dangerously high for trout. Albeit the water temps in the Hiwassee are usually cold enough for a trout's liking, there are pockets of water that look very inviting for a big trout that are simply too warm.
2.) All and all a very fun trip. It was great hanging out with a few friends for the day. With all of this said, I'm sorry Lord, for my sins please forgive me... :) I need some trout...
2.) A family friend invited my grandad and I to stay with him at his vacation cabin in the mountains above the Tellico River. We fished Coker Creek, where I caught 7 bluegill in 15 minutes on a #12 Green Weenie. We then tried a small lake down the road and I managed to catch about 6 large bluegills on small hoppers fished adjacent to an area of lily pads. I changed to a #8 Fat Albert and caught a 11 inch Largemouth Bass that was taking refuge under some thick brush near shore. I was able to make a cast to get under the fly nabbing vegetation and he slammed my fly of foam and rubber legs. I lost a few fish including a HUGE 'gill that inhaled my Charlie Boy hopper with the distinctive pop they make when snatching a bug from the top of the water. This particular fish made a run for the lillies, wrapping me up on the stalk. My 3x wasn't strong enough to pull the lilly pad and fish out. Evidently, this fish is most likely swimming around with 3 feet of tippet material hanging out his mouth.
3.) Currently my dad and I are in the planning stage of a 4-5 night camping trip in the Smokies. We're discussing the possibility of backcountry camping in the middle of no where deep in the park, where the brookies are found and the bears and snakes are everywhere. On the other hand we may try Balsalm Mountain campground which is on the NC side of the park, located at an elevation of 5,310 ft asl. This is certainly a good bet in order to beat the heat.
4.) A Colorado trip next year is also in the cards (very uncertain as of now). I've always wanted to fish the Gunnison River, Frying Pan River, and the pristine waters in Rocky Mountain State Park. Yellowstone could be another possiblilty. Just don't know yet, just thinking of the possibilites. (If the airlines continue charging for the lavatory, second baggage, being forced to buy another seat for larger folks, etc, driving is fine with me...The airlines are getting ridiculous. Just saying...
This was not a dream!... just keep that in mind!!..
2.) On with the craziest part of the day. I'm volunteering throughout the Summer (on the days I'm able to) with the Hiwassee Scenic Rail Adventure, which is well worth the trip due to the scenery, people, and the time spent in Copperhill, TN, Ducktown, TN and McCaysville, GA. The HSRA offers several packages, but the two I'm volunteering on include the 6 1/2 hour roundtrip ride from Etowah, TN to Copperhill, TN. Today we helped out on the shortest of the available packages: A roundtrip time of about 4 hours. This includes riding down to "The Loop", where the train passes under a large trestle, or wooden railroad bridge and eventually traveling on the large trestle. The spiraling trestle and tracks were constructed to create an easy route around Bald Mountain. Once we came to a stop a few miles past the trestle, the L&N diesel locomotive uncoupled and switched to the back of the 1947 passenger cars. Then the trip back to Etowah began at about 2:45. This is when the choas (under control though) happened. About 45 minutes to an hour into the trip back, the engineer suddenly slowed the train to a stop. We all thought they were just replacing an antiquated filter that is required to be fixed in order for the train to continue on. I jumped off the train to see what happened. I had the growing feeling that it was a tree that had fallen on the tracks. It was a tree alright....A 4-5 ton Red Oak Tree to be exact. Apparently, the recent rain had loosened up the soil that surrounded the century old tree enough to the point that the tree could not support the weight. The Engineer called the L&N Depot (Louisville & Nashville Railroad) and requested for some help. After we hooked a heavy duty chain between the tree and the locomotive, the engineer slowly backed the train back and forth a few times, while attempting to push the large tree off of the tracks. I watched as the tree didn't move enough to actually clear the railway. After 2 hours of cutting the tree into sections with battery powered chainsaws, the stubborn tree finally cleared the tracks and we continued on. A 5 ton tree rendering HSRA or any other train from passing is pretty rare. Usually a small branch or limb on the tracks is fairly common. No delay here, as somebody jumps off of the train and tosses the limb out into the woods. It was a little different today...
We didn't leave Athens, TN until about 8:00 in the morning. I packed 2 fly rods, my 5 wt 8' 6" and my Sage 6 wt 9' and all the other necessary gear and headed northeast to Cherokee, NC. The Tellico and Snowbird Creek were at their usual low levels. As always in the Summer tourist season, when we arrived in town, the crowds had already beat us to it. I bought a $7 day permit along with a $20 annual catch & release permit. The Catch & Release water is a prime part of the Oconaluftee River fishery. It has some uncomfortably large fish (mostly rainbows) that take refuge in large deep runs, pools and beneath the many shadows that lay across the edges of the river. I fished the C&R portion from about 2:45 until about 6:30 in the evening. I left the car behind and hiked about a 1/4 of a mile downstream to a deep run that always seems to hold a few good fish. This particular run at the deepest spot is about 7-9 ft deep. The unbearable heat is driving the trout down to the deeper pools shielded by overhanging brush and trees. I tied on a Green Weenie and added enough split shot to get down to the bottom quick enough. I tossed the fly about 12-14 ft above the most likely holding spot for a fish; a seam, and just before I was about to pick up my line and make another cast, I felt a faint hit. I set the hook and the battle was on. The rainbow I enticed to grab my fly, raced downstream. I ran (more stumbled) towards the fish to keep the fight under control. I pulled him in as far as I could, as my Double Surgeon's knot that joined the tippet material was keeping me from reeling in anymore line. I sat on a nearby boulder in the river, wet my hands, took the fly out of the 15 inch rainbow's mouth and gently held the stunned trout head first into the current. I gave him a gentle push after about 10 seconds out of the water and he took off in a cloud of river silt. Man, was it a great day on the water yesterday...
More fish stories are bound to be posted...Stay tuned!!

The Orvis Co. Inc. will open a 7,500-square-foot store in the Phillips Place development in Charlotte’s SouthPark area.
The Vermont-based company markets clothing, fishing gear, furniture, gifts and pet items. It will open in Phillips Place by Christmas.
The store will move into the space currently occupied by women’s apparel retailer Coplon's. Coplon’s is slated to relocate to a 3,500-square-foot Phillips Place site across from The Palm restaurant by the end of the summer.
Sounds good to me!!
2.) I decided to establish a fishing report over in the left hand column. I included weather conditions and water levels for the Northern NC mountains and the Southern NC mountains. The water levels are very convienient as they automatically update after refreshing your browser. Tell me if it's a good idea or if there is anything else useful that can be added. I'm thinking about posting TN tailwater conditions such as the Caney Fork, SoHo, Clinch, Hiwassee, Cumberland, etc, due to the popularity of these rivers.
2.) After biting my teeth on the "D". We decided to head up to the headwaters of Looking Glass Creek to fish for wild rainbows and specs. I did manage to catch a few wild rainbows on an inchworm. I tied on the old #12 Turk's Turantula, and got several hits from the resident brook trout, but upon further inspection, the fly was a tad to big for these fish to actually get the fly in their mouth. Overall, a great trip, albeit the fishing wasn't at it's best...

Working a pool on Looking Glass Creek (Quality is horrible for the rest of the pictures.)
2.) Heading out of town once again tomorrow. Tennessee bound this go around. I will be over in Vols country until mid-late August.
3.) I'm buying the $81 non resident all-fish w/ trout stamp license for TN. $81 for an annual non resident!! Sheesh.
4.) This is definately worth mentioning/recommending....Prior to heading out to the river, I swung by Davidson River Outfitters as I needed some strike indicators. I grabbed a pack of strike indicators called "Thingamabobbers"... I'm glad I found them. I've heard of them before, but I just never got around to using them. Even the small sizes of Thingamabobbers will float like a cork even though you have a huge fly that is weighted heavily. They're a little to big to use on the Davidson, as using a dry fly for an indicator is probably best. If you ever fish big water such as the Tuckasegee, French Broad, South Holston, Clinch, Watauga, etc, I highly recommend this strike indicators.
2.) Hatches are occurring out on all of the trout streams. Light Cahills, Yellow Sallies, Isonychias, and Mottled Brown Caddis are all imminent. The long awaited terrestrial season is finally here!! I spent the whole weekend tying tons of hoppers. Smaller hoppers are better for now, since we have just scratched the surface of Summer. Ants, beetles, inchworms, and sooner or later the cicadas (I can't wait). I would fish a Hopper Dropper right now. Try your favorite hopper pattern and use a #12 Green Weenie as the dropper. The trout are now hearing the ever increasing SPLAT from a grasshopper hitting the water. I've seen trout race clear across a pool to grab a grasshopper or cricket. Grasshoppers are a major food source for all fish species, from all three species of trout to Smallmouth Bass, Largemouth Bass and panfish.
3.) The next update should be late Thursday or Friday with fish pictures and a report from the "D". I'll be over in Vols country from early next week until the middle of August as well. Posts and reports will still be added regularly. The Hiwassee River is only 15 minutes away from my grandparents, so I'll have the chance to fish the 'Wassee a few times in the Summer.
2.) If you do plan on heading to a trout stream, bring some Zonkers, Woolly Buggers, and Sculpin patterns. The water will likely become high and stained in most locations. Until that water is high and stained, Green Weenies, San Juan Worms, Copper Johns, etc are working. Check the hatch chart on the left hand column for a more in-depth selection of flies to try.
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Blog Archive
- Hiwassee River Tomorrow
- I'm Sorry Lord for my Sins...Catfishing on the TN
- Sunday
- Wednesday...It's Been A Crazy One
- They're the Only Native Trout We Have in NC...
- Sunday: Fairly Successful on the Oconaluftee
- Up at the Crack of Dawn
- Wednesday...
- Orvis Store to be Established in Charlotte
- Monday
- Davidson River/ Looking Glass Creek Report
- Davidson River Bound
- Monday
- Thursday
- Project Healing Waters (PHW)