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Tyler Legg
Charlotte, NC, United States
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Friday, April 15, 2011

1) Evidently I'm an inchworm magnet. After mowing the yard, I discovered inchworms on my arms, legs, hat, and clothes. They're swinging on their silk lines from every tree branch it seems. I honestly don't think we've seen this many before (maybe I just haven't been paying attention over the past few years). The bottom line is, if you're a warmwater angler, whether you're fishing the Uwharrie for smallies and sunnies, or Lake Norman, have some inchworms in your box. Tie an inchworm dry on, cast it under some overhanging trees close to the bank, and start counting fish. You'll lose count quickly. If you're more of a coldwater angler, you've got some time, but not that long. We'll start really seeing the little green worms popping next month in the mountains.
2) Although weather isn't relevant to fishing, it effects fishing immensely. Overnight and into tomorrow is a prime example. We're on track for what will likely be one heck of a bumpy ride in some parts of the state. Just ask the folks down in Mississippi and Alabama today. While the cold front won't be as robust as it has been back to our west, it will still produce some nasty storms out ahead of the front. Fishing will not only be lousy for the first part of tomorrow, but it will be downright dangerous. This is what you get when you wave a highly conductive 9ft fly rod in the air during a storm!

3) I'm going to go shake out my shirt. I think I still have some green hitchhikers inching around on me...


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