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Tyler Legg
Charlotte, NC, United States
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Saturday, April 16, 2011
Arguably the best DH river in NC, Wilson Creek, took the life of a fellow angler from Virginia right around this time last year. Sadly, we could be on the verge of more fatalities as a result of the excessive rain we've experienced. I'm staying abreast on the latest info. When new information comes in, look for it here on THFF, Twitter, and Facebook. I really hope the next update will  inform everyone that these folks were found alive and well. Cross your fingers and toes.

Rescue efforts are underway to save campers after rising waters swept away several camping trailers at Killian’s Campground near the Wilson’s Creek Visitors Center in Caldwell County.
Two of the camping trailers washed away have victims inside and they are stuck in the water. Crews have reached the trailers by boat but are waiting on equipment to rescue the victims from the campers.

Rescue personnel from multiple agencies from Charlotte and across Caldwell County have gathered at Brown Mountain Beach Road.

It is not known exactly how many campers were swept away.

The only confirmed injury so far is a broken arm but rescue crews have not reached any victims yet. Rescue Crews have seen some victims on land on the other side of the creek but are having to hike an hour to an hour and a half to reach them.

The agencies involved are Caldwell County EMS and EM, Collettsville, Sawmills, North Catawba, Hudson and Lenoir Fire from Caldwell County and Oak Hill Rescue from Burke County.


Feather Chucker said...

I hope the campers are OK. That is grim.

Tyler Legg said...

All nine were found and are doing well! Happy ending.

How are things up your way in the Triangle? Hope you're okay after that tornado...

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