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Tyler Legg
Charlotte, NC, United States
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Wednesday, December 23, 2009
It's currently in the low to mid 50's here in Charlotte. The weather has been ideal for fishing. The streams and rivers in the western North Carolina mountains are flowing close or slightly above normal right now. I'm sure that will change tomorrow night into Christmas Day once the next storm rolls through the Carolinas. Fly fisherman here in the southeast are playing the "quick get on the river before it rains again" game. For the past few weeks storms have been rolling up the eastern seaboard on a weekly basis. After each system, we get a break and start drying out. Then, another storm system rolls through. Positive and negative impacts are present with this type of weather pattern. In terms of short range negative impacts, flooding becomes an issue and fishing can become treacherous. Long range impacts are mostly positive, as it insures the water levels are healthy and don't get too low. If your favorite main river is flooded or unfishable, turn to the smaller streams in the mountains. They are usually a bit more manageable.

We have family coming to town over the next few days, so I may or may not have the chance to post for a week or so. Until then, have a safe and very Merry Christmas...

Tyler Legg


Lance Milks said...

Hey Tyler,

I hope your holidays went well. I was just wondering if you had been out at all. I havent since I talked to you last. Im heading out tomarrow to see how it is. High of 36 so Im expecting it to be a little slow. Ill let you know how it goes.


Tyler Legg said...


I had a great Christmas, hope you did as well.

I haven't been out in a long time...I'm in need of some trout right now. I'm sure fishing will be very slow tomorrow, but I guess if you get your nymphs down on the bottom you should be fine...


Lance Milks said...

Hey Tyler,

One word for the day, COLD! I did however catch a few fish, ten or so. I was busting ice out of my guides all day especially towards dark. Mostly nymphs but, amazingly I did get one hook up on top. They must have rose to it a dozen times but they kept missing it. Its funny how numb you'll let your feet get when the fishings hot. lol


Tyler Legg said...

It's amazing what us fly fisherman will do in order to catch a few fish!! Ten isn't too bad, especially given it's in the 30's. Stocked DH fish tend to be a little more tolerant to cold weather, which is great when it get's this cold.


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