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Tyler Legg
Charlotte, NC, United States
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Monday, May 25, 2009

1.) It is humid as all get out across the area. Judging by the current radar returns, the rain has pretty much covered all of the state. The bulk of the precip has occurred basically from Raleigh/Durham, east through the mountains. According to the drought monitor's update from last Tuesday, extreme eastern parts of Lincoln and Gaston counties are under an "abnormally dry" state, along with virtually all of Cleveland, Rutherford, Polk, Henderson, Transylvania, and the southern half of Jackson and Macon falling under the abnormally dry state. Again this was the drought status from May 19th. I think the drought is over for most of these areas, which means the trout streams are where they should be. The rain over the past few days has not been heavy enough to cause widespread flooding across the mountains, but localized areas that did/do see heavier rain showers may see a short spike in streamflows.
Here's the latest streamflow data from the USGS....
Davidson River @ Brevard...154 cfs (average to date is 121 cfs)
Watauga River @ Sugar Grove...180 cfs (average is 139 cfs)
Nantahala River @ Rainbow Springs...275 cfs (average is 190 cfs)
South Toe River @ Celo...236 cfs (average is 116 cfs)
Tuckasegee River @ Cullowhee...100 cfs (average is 215)
Oconoluftee River @ Birdtown...447 cfs (average is 483 cfs)
Cataloochee Creek @ Cataloochee...98 cfs (average is 102 cfs)
South Fork New River @ Jefferson...496 cfs (average is 397 cfs)
New River @ Galax, VA...1,680 cfs (average is 1,820 cfs
2.) To sum it all up, most rivers are either slightly above or slightly below average flows. Albeit the flows are generally where they should be, this doesn't mean that the flows aren't strong and flowing fast. Also, there may be a little color to the water, so you may get away with 4x. Sporadic hatches of Dark Hendricksons and Light Hendrickons are causing the trout to look up. In the evenings look for Light Cahills, a few March Browns, and the much anticipated Green Drakes. Patterns in the dry fly department to try include Attractors (Royal Wulff, Trudes, etc) when there isn't a noticeable hatch, along with Light Cahills, Green Drakes, and Dk/Lt Hendricksons in the evenings. If you are heading up to the Smokies, have a lot of yellow flies such as Yellow Palmers, Yellow Stimulators, Yellow Sally or any other fly that incorporates a lot of yellow. As for nymphs, BH Pheasant Tail Nymphs, Hare's Ears, BH Princes, Lightning Bugs, San Juan Worms, Green Weenies, Copper Johns, Zug Bugs and Tellico Nymphs (just to mention a few) have all produced fish. Small streamers such as a tan or olive Slumpbuster have been producing fish as well.


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