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Tyler Legg
Charlotte, NC, United States
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Thursday, October 30, 2008
1.) It has been a very chilly couple of nights here in the Piedmont. The mountains received about 1-3 inches of snow on Monday and Tuesday. Snow is just not supposed to fall in October here in the south...of course it's welcomed, but not normal. Folks up in the Triangle and Triad saw their first few pellets of sleet on Monday. Nothing much, but enough to show what old man Winter has in store for us. I have been studying various 08-09 Winter outlooks, and frankly, Winter does look like it's back. December and then again in February looks to be the best months for cold and snow. Both months show above average precipitation, and below normal temperatures. One guy is mentioning a NC snowstorm somewhere between December 5-12. Only time will tell, but....still interesting for us snow fanatics.

2.) On with the fishing report. Fishing up in the high country isn't to bad to say the least. The trout are what I would say half active...half sluggish, due to the cold temps at night. Saturday will be the best day for trout fishing weather wise. Use those PT nymphs, and don't hesitate when it comes to tying on that big Kaufmann's stonefly nymph. The fish are hungry, and a big meal will seldom be passed up by one of the larger browns. Dries in sizes of 14-22 will work if the temp gets warm enough. We are now in that time of year when you don't have to break your leg (or $750 fly rod), to get to the stream. Take it easy...tie a few more flies, or watch those Saturday morning fishing shows until 10:00 or so. 9:45-noon are perfect starting times when fishing right now. We are also getting to that point on most serious fly fisherman's calendar, when it is too cold to consistently catch fish (most of the time my body gives up more than the trout do..but..)alternatives are to travel down to the Turneffe Flats in Mexico or Andros Island in the Bahamas for bonefishing, tarpon, permit and barracuda fishing....(there definition of cold is a lot different from ours.)

3.) Voting day is fast approaching....PLEASE GO VOTE!!!!

4.) More later.


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