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Tyler Legg
Charlotte, NC, United States
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Friday, October 17, 2008

1.) It has been a cold rainy day here in the City of the Looms or as most people call Kannapolis. Right now it is 59 degrees and light rain has been falling all day. I don't think it rained very hard at all today....more like a constant mist. This time the rain doesn't seem to be helping with the low water levels in NC. Rain is still forecasted several times in the next week or two. Temps will be near normal, or in today's case, below normal by a few degrees.

2.) Fishing will improve with the temperatures coming back down, but the low water levels are really the main concern. When a stream's temperature is between 41-59, the pH level is greatly improved, which in turn helps produce the dissolved oxygen that salmonid species need to survive. Anywho... trout will take the same flies listed in the last posts, and on the recommended flies board to the right... copper johns, light cahills, adams...and one exception, BWO adults may hatch due to the cool, dreary day. 6x and 7x are the tippet sizes to shoot for. You may get by with 5x, if a downpour happens, and the stream gets a little muddy...but I wouldn't count on it.

3.) More later or tomorrow.


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