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Tyler Legg
Charlotte, NC, United States
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Monday, October 6, 2008

1.) Today is Monday, which for me means, "how long until the weekend"? Fridays are my favorite, because you know you have 2 more days until the start of the work week. Also weekends mean fishing. With that being said after watching the Carolina Panthers shut out KC 34-0, today is better than most days.
2.) There is good news and bad news for us fly fisherman. The good news is that rain is looking promising for Wednesday-Saturday. There is a 40% chance on Wednesday, with a 60% chance on Thursday, as well as a 30% chance for both Friday and Saturday. This is for the Asheville area, so not everybody will have equal chances for rain. The bad news is that the water flows are very low. Until we get more rain, fishing will be tough. Using 6x tippet, and small flies will be to your advantage. Don't be afraid to crawl on your knees prior to fishing. This will greatly reduce the number of fish spooked. Since the temperatures are warm (76-80), give a small light cahill (#16-18) a try. Copper Johns (any color) will work in sizes of 14-20. Isonchia patterns (Adams)(dry/nymph) are good choices to fish with. If we do get rain, and the rivers start to come up, try big streamers like a Bunny or a Matuka. If you fish today or even tomorrow, with the warmth that has settled into the Carolinas, a grasshopper pattern may still get a few trout to chase after it. Even though the frost that the mountains experienced last week, probably killed most of the hoppers, a few spots that managed to stay just above freezing helped to keep the grasshoppers around. On your way to the stream, walk around the banks and if you see a few of them jump, then tie on a Dave's or a Jacklin's, or even a Double Decker and have at it. Just keep in consideration, every valley, mountain side and stream will frost in the coming weeks. If you fish today or tomorrow, you may not see another angler. The Davidson will probably have a few locals fishing, but you should have a whole beat or two to yourself, and the worry of fly casting elbow to elbow is not a problem right now until the weekend.

3.) I have been tying a lot of Copper Johns lately. For some reason I don't tie a whole fly box full of John Barr's famous pattern. I've used the Copper John a few times, and frankly, after watching the trout look at the fly, refuse it, and then chase back after it and nail it, I am now going to fill my box with these things. I think the chartreuse and red ones work the best, but this is my personal opinion. I'm also coming up with some new nymph and dry fly patterns that I will do a demonstration on at Troutfest.

4.) More later. Make it a good day.


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