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Tyler Legg
Charlotte, NC, United States
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Sunday, October 12, 2008
1.) The Panthers are not doing to well right now. Tampa Bay is a very talented team, and for some reason, the Panthers look like they are somewhere else right now. I will post the final score when the game ends. UNC Tar Heels won last night against Notre Dame 29-24, so good news there. I sure do hope the Panthers can pull another win today...I really hate to see them lose.

2.) Weather has been fantastic this weekend, as temperatures are in the 70's across the Tar Heel State. The next few days will be in the low 80's, so it will be warm, but if you target the streams at or above 2,500, you should be fine. Still, those green weenies, copper johns, and caddis larvae patterns have been the ticket here in the Southern Appalachians.

3.) Montana, Wyoming and Idaho have been dumped upon with snow over the last 72 hours. Billings has recieved 22 inches, and the snow still isn't completly over. Get this, Red Lodge, Montana, about 15 miles northwest of Yellowstone, has already received 42 inches!! In Flesher Pass, 35 miles outside Helena, the snow is 52 inches deep. Ennis has received about 9-11 inches, and 3-6 is expected tonight. It won't be long before the constant cold and snow moves in and Montanans are forced to start using their snowmobiles to get around town, instead of their car (most Montanans have big 4x4 Dodges, but....).

4.) More later.


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