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Tyler Legg
Charlotte, NC, United States
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Welcome to THFF.com! Kick your wading boots off and stick around for a while. You'll find content ranging from NC fishing reports, videos, pictures, fly fishing news from around the state/country/world, humor, and even some irrelevant, yet interesting posts.
Have a question, comment, fishing report, or a few suggestions regarding THFF or fly fishing in NC? Feel free to e-mail me at wncflyfishing@gmail.com
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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Want to win some free Extended Body Inchworms, Vinyl Rib Stones, Nymph Skin Stones, and some "surprise" flies? Here's the low down:

1) Become a follower of THFF in the upper right hand corner of the blog.
2) Have a Facebook account? Like THFF on Facebook.
3) Do you "tweet?" If so, follow on Twitter, for frequent tweets on conditions, waters, tips, etc.
4) Last but not least, leave a comment below. Doesn't matter what the comment says, as long as it's appropriate and clean. Good comments would include "I'd love to win this contest", or "I like fly fishing!" I'll then count up the comments. Then I'll use Random.com's number generator to draw a number. If there's 25 comments and you're comment number 20 and number 20 is drawn, you'll win 2 of each of the following flies and a few "surprise" flies.

Thanks for supporting THFF.com! Good luck! Spread the word! Contest starts now and ends June 21st, the first day of summer.

Extended Body Inchworm

Vinyl Rib Stone

Nymph Skin Stone


Unknown said...

I follow here and liked the thff on the book. I'm not on twitter so I can't follow there, but I would still love these flies. They are crazy good!

Feather Chucker said...

I'll take them.

Owl said...

I don't usually fuss with extended body flies, so I'd like to have them. Oh and of course...I luv fly fishin'.

leeho86 said...

For someone who is technilogically challenged, I labored through creating accounts on Facebook and
Twitter solely to enter for a chance of winning those flies. With my challenged casting skills, those flies are my best chance to getting some blueline trout! Love the site in any case.

Anonymous said...

Great fishing this weekend. Could use these flies for all the ones I donated to the laurals and trees.

Milliwake said...

best fly fishing forum on the internet. period.

Carson said...

Excellent blog with a lot of fishing reports and info. Great flies by the way.

Adam Wilson said...

Pick me!

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