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Tyler Legg
Charlotte, NC, United States
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Saturday, May 14, 2011

1) I'm typing this post in Gatlin-Vegas (Gatlinburg), about 30 minutes down the road from Troutfest. Found a decent price on a hotel, so without hesitation, I jumped on it. From the HQ, I can easily fish several watersheds located 20 minutes away. In fact, I took advantage of the short distance to some of the best trout streams in the area this evening. Rolled into Gatlinburg around 6:45 and pressed on past the tourist attractions and shops reminiscent of Myrtle Beach. Within about 15 minutes, I was sitting at about 3,500ft. the honking horns and yelling people down in G-Burg were replaced I  with rain falling on trees and a rushing stream. Perfect.

2) Starting out, the fishing was a bit slow. I was baffled that a #14 Yellow Stimulator was being ignored by hungry wild trout. Although, around 7:45, the fishing picked up. Hatches were really starting to come off of the water. A few Light Cahills and Yellow Stones being the primary insects. Towards 8 o'clock I was growing concerned I might be skunked. I put my fly in the hook keeper and turned around. As I turned, I saw a 7" brookie feeding in the pool directly behind me. Immediately, I dropped to a crouching position, removed the fly from the hook keeper, got into position, and made a delicate cast to this speck holding in slow, calm water. He eagerly rose to the Yellow Stimulator, but wiggled off in a split second. Almost like it didn't happen, he drifted back to his lane and continued sipping stones and mayflies from the surface. I quickly changed to a yellow Parachute Adams. He quickly accepted that too, but again, wiggled off. Scratching my head, I made the transition to a #14 Extended Body Inchworm. As I looked up after tying the fly on, I noticed the little brookie wasn't in his preferred lane. He moved to a different lane (possibly to get away from me, or in search of a better food source). I placed the EBI just above him. He quickly approved of the EBI and a perfect hook set was made. As I stripped him in, I could see a blur of orange. At that point, I realized I had a wild Smokies brookie on the line. Now, whether or not he was a Southern Appalachian Brookie or a Northern Strain is still up in the air. Regardless, it was a memorable evening.

3) Troutfest 2011 is here. Tom Rosenbauer, Joe Humphreys, Lefty Kreh, and Bob Clouser are all here in east Tennessee. If you can, come on out. It's going to be one heck of an event.

4) Folks have been saying the banquet, which was tonight, was excellent. The people that put together Troutfest are incredibly talented and know exactly how to pull off such an awesome event. Big thanks to all of the people that make Troutfest possible.

5) I'll be tying in tent B from 1-5pm. Extended Body Inchworms, Vinyl Rib Stones, and some semi-realistic bugs are on the fly menu. Swing by and say hello!

6) I'm hitting the hay. Fishing the Park in the morning, hanging out at Troutfest from about noon until 5, and then fishing the Park again tomorrow evening. Hope to see you there!


Mark said...

Nice to see those wild brookies coming in and especially with an EBI. Its getting to be a great time of year.

Tyler Legg said...

Always great to see a thriving population of these guys!

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