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Tyler Legg
Charlotte, NC, United States
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Sunday, January 2, 2011
Cabin fever had me urging to get on the water. Whether or not the streams were frozen over, I took off on Wednesday. My initial plan was to head up to the Parkway and fish a wild brookie stream I frequent that sits about 5,000 ft ASL. The Parkway wasn't bad. Snow from last weekend's snowstorm was shoved to the side of the road. Other than some sporadic ice that stubbornly sits on the roads well after the storm hits, conditions were looking good. I expected some snow on the side road that led down to the stream, but didn't expect it to be completely impassable. I was wrong. A foot or more of snow with drifts of more greeted me. 4x4 wouldn't stand a chance. Any wrong turn or slip would send the truck tumbling down the side of the mountain. The trip up the mountain wasn't a complete disappointment though. I managed to snap some photos of the surrounding Black Mountains covered in snow. Now, I wasn't fully expecting to catch fish on this trip. I had some hope, but conditions were not in my favor. The bulk of the South Toe was covered in thick sheets of ice and the fish were pretty much non existent. Didn't see a single fish. An ice auger and snow shoes were almost as important as a fly rod and a box of flies. This was the same section that I caught this wild and vibrantly colored brown trout. Looking forward to consistently warmer weather for sure. Below are a few pictures from the trip. No fish pictures this time.

So, I'll continue to tie. Speck fever is really setting in though...


Anonymous said...

Here too. too many short days now, and too little time outside for me. fishing or otherwise. But the good news....April will be here before ya know it. sort of. hey, i tried. :)

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