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Tyler Legg
Charlotte, NC, United States
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Monday, January 10, 2011
This winter was suppose to be warmer and less snowier than average here in the Carolinas. Far from that this go around. I think we made Old Man Winter mad. He struck again with heavy snow and bitterly cold temperatures. The Christmas snowstorm was big, but this one is bigger. Especially for the southern mountains, folks along and near the TN/NC border, and the southern Piedmont of NC. Charlotte was walloped, with reports of over a half a foot in southern parts and 8" in some places. I've been shoveling for a portion of today. Counties to our west were in on the snow as well. There were some pretty high numbers in the mountains. Rosman, just south of Brevard, received 6" and Robbinsville received 9" according to the NWS. Here's an interactive storm report map for anyone interested in snow totals. Click on a snowflake and it will tell you the snow totals.

If cabin fever is eating you alive, good luck out on the streams. Slow fishing would be an understatement. Check road conditions before heading out. The northern Piedmont and Foothills should be fine. Roads are going to be slick in a lot of places though.

DH waters will be fishing fairly well, as they always do during cold and snow. Stockers tend to shake off the cold and snow as opposed to their wild counterparts. Most wild waters are going to be frozen solid. This week will be cold. Very cold.As long as you can bare the cold, ice, and snow, you should get into some fish at Stone Mountain, Wilson Creek, Mills River, and the rest of the DH waters. Prince Nymphs, Hares Ears, small #16-18 Black Stonefly Nymphs, Pheasant Tail Nymphs, and most other generic nymphs should work. The key is to get that fly down on the bottom whether you have extra weight on your fly, or by adding split shot. Fish are going to be down deep and they move far to grab a passing fly.

Fly tying, rigging reels, tying knots, cleaning gear, and mapping out new locations are going to be the better options. I love the snow and cold, but I'm ready for a break for a week. The snow isn't going anywhere anytime soon. It's going to stick around until the weekend. Be safe!


Brk Trt said...

I guess global warming has not taken effect.
We are next in the bullseye in New England.

Tyler Legg said...

Global Warming hasn't shown its effects this winter! Usually it's common to see some warmer weather every now and then here in NC. Brookie fever is really starting to get to me...

Stay safe up in CT. Suppose to get nasty tonight.

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