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Tyler Legg
Charlotte, NC, United States
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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

1.) Turkey day is tomorrow, and it sure does feel like Thanksgiving...EVERYBODY is out and about trying to grab those last minute turkeys. Tomorrow will be great in terms of weather. Sunny skies, no rain, warmer (more seasonal) temps are expected, and all of this adds up to a great afternoon of fly fishing after eating a bird. I'm ready for tommorow, as I'm heading up to the Blue Ridge Parkway around Fancy Gap, Virginia. My grandparents live up that way, so I'm ready to get up into the mountains. To tell you the truth, I haven't even seen the NC/VA mountains since August, and it's driving me insane. Still controverting weither or not to bring a few flies and a fly rod, but then again, ice fishing may be the better option.

2.) Fishing will improve a little, but not by much, even though the air temperature will be warmer, the water is still cold, and the trout will be sluggish. Some of the post-spawn browns may strike willingly to a well presented PT nymph, Lightning Bug, or BWO nymph, so don't give up if it's a bit slow at first. The water is clear so use the lightest tippets possible, I would go with 6x as a general size, but 5x may work too. Drop a small BWO nymph behind a #8 black stonefly nymph in a riffle, run, and especially seams. If you really want to catch nice trout, head over to a tailwater river like the Watauga, Holston, Cumberland, Clinch, and Hiwassee. The trout over there are a lot more active than the fish high up in the mountains.

3.) Everyone have a good Thanksgiving, and I may post tomorrow, but if not by Friday.


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