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Tyler Legg
Charlotte, NC, United States
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Thursday, November 13, 2008
1.) The rain today hasn't been overly impressive, if impressive at all, but hey, we'll take what we can get. I haven't really seen a lot of real heavy stuff, basically just a mist, and not very consistent, as rain has moved in and tapered off and moved in and...well, I think most of it's over with. Tonight won't be cold, but just wait a few days.... Cold fronts tend to mess with people's minds, because of the warm air ahead of the front, that makes it seem more like a Spring day rather than a late Fall day, and then when everyone least expects it the cold front moves through, along with frigid temps. Here in Charlotte and surrounding communities, next week lows will dip down into the lower 20's and maybe, morning lows will be in the upper teens. Highs will struggle to make the mid 40's, and Accuweather has already put out a forecast on the 24th that says "snow much of the time". I'm guessing this means a majority of the day, or a part of the morning. This is still a week away, so much change will happen, but I do think we will tap into some very cold temps, probably the coldest we've seen since last Winter.

2.) As for the snowstorm, it's still out there, and may still happen, albeit the GFS is now backing off a little bit on the whole concept for a big hit here in Charlotte. The GFS always undergoes a kind of "hibernation" and will most likely through the towel in about the whole thing. This is again way to early to start talking about specifics.

3.) Have Good one, it's almost Friday!!


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