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Tyler Legg
Charlotte, NC, United States
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Friday, November 25, 2011

I'm up in SW Virginia currently looking out across the the old, rugged, Appalachians. I'm definitely thankful for the fact that I'm not swimming in the crowds right now. It's a zoo out there folks! Many are out risking their lives shopping on this Black Friday (alright, it's not that bad, but as y'all know, it's just a little hectic). If it's anything like last year, tonight's news should be entertaining to say the least.

If you're out on the river, enjoy. Picture perfect weather out there is giving way to some picture perfect fall fishing. Enjoy every minute of the beautiful weather, because Old Man Winter is on his way and judging by the forecast, he's going to barge through the door like Kramer from Seinfeld. We're about to see a transition from warm to cold beginning about early next week and likely lasting for several weeks. I'll have more in depth information over on Carolina Weather soon. Will this transition have an impact on the fishing? You better believe it. For the time being though, your generic patterns will catch fish on most rivers. On DH waters, try a Squirmy WormieEggi Juan Kenobi, Prince Nymph, Copper John, Pheasant Tail Nymph, San Juan Worm, Para Adams, Stimulator, etc. Try ripping a Zonker or Woolly Bugger across a pool. If you;re fishing more technical water, such as the Davidson, midges and smaller nymphs/dries coupled with thin, long leaders need to be used.

Send in those NC fish pics for the THFF Fish Wall! You can email them to me at wncflyfishing@gmail.com, or send them via Google + or Facebook.


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