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Tyler Legg
Charlotte, NC, United States
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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A lot of "skinny water" here in WNC. Although it's not unusual to have low water in August/September, a prolonged period can have plenty of negative effects. Last year, a lot of streams dwindled to just a trickle by late September. I hope this won't be the case this upcoming September, but without enough rain, I'm afraid it will.

A cold front set to sweep through the Carolinas next Monday may give numerous streams a much needed boost. Storms will likely fire ahead of the front, dropping plenty of rain in areas that see the storms. Keep your fingers crossed.

Until we see the water levels rise, your typical summertime techniques should be used. Long leaders, light tippets, and drab clothing are crucial. Your presentation is much more important than your fly selection. Wild trout here in NC are rarely ever picky. If they don't take a swing at your fly, chances are the presentation wasn't up to par. Check out the Improve Your Wild Trout Game article for more tips.

Don't kill yourself on fly selection. Like previously mentioned, presentation of your fly is much more important than fly selection. Wit that being said, make sure you have some #14 Yellow Stimulators, #14-16 Yellow and gray Para Adams, #14-16 Elk Hair Caddis, hoppers, beetles, ants, and  Extended Body Inchworms. As far as nymphs go, Red Fox Squirrel Nymphs, Pheasant Tail Nymphs, Soft Hackles, Copper Johns, Princes, and a few San Juan Worms will work well. If streams do rise in response to the forecasted storms next week, don't hesitate to throw a Wolly Bugger, Zonker, or Sculpin pattern.


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