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Tyler Legg
Charlotte, NC, United States
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Friday, June 24, 2011

Pretty decent fishing out there! Almost daily t'storms have kept most rivers and streams at normal levels. Rain has also kept the water temps down. We receive a short hiatus tomorrow from the heavy rain and lightning associated with these frequent afternoon/evening storms. The humidity looks to take a break tomorrow, but it will return. Looking at the forecast, t'storm chances will enter the picture once again on Sunday and stick around throughout next week. Temps look to be pretty comfortable, ranging from the mid 60s tomorrow on Mount Mitchell to the mid 80s in the valleys and lower elevations.

Trout are looking up for terrestrials. Try a foam beetle, Extended Body Inchworm, an ant dry, or a hopper. Cast under overhanging trees, but don't be afraid to work the middle of the river. Terrestrials generally fall out of the trees and vegetation along the bank, but currents will eventually force most into the middle of the river where a lot of times, a trout's stomach is the bug's last stop.

Top 5 fly choices right now would be:

1. An inchworm dry of some sort.
2. A #10-12 Green Weenie (which imitates a drowned inchworm).
3. A #14-22 black ant. A foam ant works well, as it stays afloat.
4. #14-16 Yellow Parachute Adams.
5. A hopper. Whether it be a foam hopper, Dave's Hopper, or one of your own creations.

If you head out the river, have fun! Tell us how you do!


Dwayne said...

Good stuff, Tyler. Glad to hear the fishing is good.

Unknown said...

Haven't been up the cool trout stream lately and this post pains me. Thanks for reminding me of what I've been missing. Great post!

Bill Trussell said...

Great Info. Tyler, the P--Adams is always a killer. I will be going on my first trout outing Tuesday below our dam at Smith Lake. They just dumped 7000 bows in Friday, all between 9 and 12" should be fun.

Tyler Legg said...

@Joel- I know how that feels for sure! Hope you can jump in a trout stream soon!

@Bill- There's been times the trout ignore a regular gray Para Adams and then jump on a yellow Para Adams. They are winners for sure. Especially in the summer. Good luck on the Smith Lake tailwaters!

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