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Tyler Legg
Charlotte, NC, United States
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Friday, June 3, 2011

Sadly, DH (Delayed Harvest) ends tomorrow. Remember, from 6am to 11:59am anglers 15 years old or younger are only allowed to fish. Once noon rolls around, Bloody Saturday commences. Even if you're a strict catch and release angler, go ahead and catch your share of 7 trout (no size limit). You won't be scolded. You're actually helping the fish out. Trout being coldwater fish, most won't make it much longer in the majority of DH waters. Way too hot. They'll slowly be poached (by heat, not illegal fishing).
As fly anglers, wild waters and catch and release waters are going to be our best bet until DH picks back up on October 1st. DH waters (soon to be Hatchery Supported) will be troutless pretty soon.


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