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Tyler Legg
Charlotte, NC, United States
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Saturday, February 26, 2011

The unusual weather continues. Warm yesterday, albeit windy as all get out. Cooler today. Rain was falling yesterday morning, but it wasn't enough to tackle this drought. Apparently folks in the Triad and points north received much more in the way of rainfall. Here in the southern half of NC we were left with rain, but not a lot of it. This explains how we feel right now. It will take a hefty amount of precip to replenish the water table, so keep doing that rain dance! With that being said, tomorrow looks great in terms of the weather. 60s for highs in the mountains (70s in the lower elevations) with a few scattered showers in the evening. T'storms are in the forecast, (strong to severe storms are very much possible) on Monday associated with another cold front. We all know how much rain you can rack up with a decent t'storm. Once the front clears, the temps will be diving back down. Before it clears on Monday, we will be basking in temps near 80 in the Piedmont. Warm temps in the 60s and 70s across much of the mountains on Monday. Enjoy it!

Although the weather is changing more than Brett Favre's decisions over the past few years, fishing is not bad. You may see a few Quill Gordons and Blue Quills fluttering around, but nothing spectacular just yet. Little Black Stones and Black Caddis are much more plentiful right now. Maybe this warm spell starting tomorrow will trigger the rest to hatch. We'll see. It definitely wouldn't hurt to have a few Quill Gordon or Blue Quill patterns in your box just in case. Try a small nymph that's black. A #14 black stone nymph is perfect. Even a black Copper John. A Pheasant Tail Nymph, Prince Nymph, Micro May, Zug Bug, Sheepfly, Copper John, or just about any other smallish nymph should work as well. Make sure you get that fly down to the bottom. Add some split shot if necessary. Rivers are clear, so lighter tippet is needed. Wild trout in the backcountry generally aren't leader shy, so 4x-5x is fine. If you're fishing the Davidson, 6x is as large as I would go. Good luck!

Lastly, here's a little entertainment from fellow blogger Owl Jones. I'm in tears. Hilarious. Without further ado, here's P Diddy Fishy.


Feather Chucker said...

haha, take me fishin fool!

Mark said...

When are you going to make some videos like that Tyler?

Tyler Legg said...

Mark- It'll be awhile! My rapping skills are lacking... Haha

Dustin's Fly Box said...

hahaha that video was awesome!

Owl Diddy said...

Alright now. You weren't supposed to post that before I sent you the check. ;)

You guys are bored, no? ;) LOL Glad it made you laugh.

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