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Tyler Legg
Charlotte, NC, United States
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Sunday, February 13, 2011

After a long, cold, and snowy 3 months, spring is pushing winter aside and replacing highs in the 30s with highs in the 60s and in the Piedmont, low 70s. It's about time! It looks like spring is here to stay, but Old Man Winter may visit briefly before winter is officially over. Here in the Tar Heel State the weather is wild. Especially from fall through early spring. At times the weather can alternate from scorching hot to unusually chilly during the warmer months. Believe it or not, flurries have been reported atop Mt. Mitchell in June, July, and August. In the Piedmont, it seems as if we abruptly end winter and are shoved into spring within a few days. Last Monday we saw snow. 7 days later, tomorrow, we are forecasted to reach 71, with mainly 60's and a few days approaching 70 all week. Any remaining snow up high will likely be thinned out, if not melted completely during this "heat wave."

With temperatures on the rise, fishing will greatly improve. Trout will become more active as we progress into the week. Right now, it doesn't look like the Quill Gordons will be hatching out but you just never know. 50 degrees (water temp) tends to be the magical number on a trout stream. We might hit the magical number this week. Especially on the lower elevation streams. If you head out, make sure you have a variety of patterns. Nymphs will catch more fish, but, with the warmer weather, dries will become more and more effective. A parachute BWO or small Para Adams should work well in the afternoon. Streams are very clear and most are getting low. I'm getting a bit worried about our drought situation. As of February 8th, the mountains are classified as abnormally dry on Drought Monitor. I'd imagine we are now under moderate drough conditions. Rain is non existent for the next week or so and the streams are already on their way down. If we don't receive enough rain in the next few months, this summer and fall will likely be a horror story for trout and anglers alike. Keep your fingers crossed.

If you haven't heard, we recently lost a fly fishing/fly tying great. Sylvester Nemes, a pioneer in fishing soft hackles, passed away at his home in Bozeman, MT on February 3rd. Before his popular books, The Soft-Hackled Fly and Tiny Soft Hackles: A Trout Fisherman's Guide, soft hackles lost their popularity. We can thank Mr. Nemes for bringing soft hackles back before the more exact and modernized patterns took over. To read the article, click here.


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