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Tyler Legg
Charlotte, NC, United States
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Welcome to THFF.com! Kick your wading boots off and stick around for a while. You'll find content ranging from NC fishing reports, videos, pictures, fly fishing news from around the state/country/world, humor, and even some irrelevant, yet interesting posts.
Have a question, comment, fishing report, or a few suggestions regarding THFF or fly fishing in NC? Feel free to e-mail me at wncflyfishing@gmail.com
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Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Tom Chandler, author of the Trout Underground blog, came up with 7 signs that tell you you're fishing in the middle of a heat wave...

7. The trout you catch are already poached.

6. Guides stop whining about tips for a change.

5. Your fat, sweaty buddy fly fishes naked all day.

4. You wear oven mitts when holding fly rod and still get second-degree burns.

3. “Dry fly” vs “nymphing” disagreement in camp leads to knife fight.

2. The “Dead Stretch” in the middle of the day lasts until midnight.

1. Local fly shop employees too hot and tired to be surly.


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