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Tyler Legg
Charlotte, NC, United States
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Friday, June 11, 2010

The Lynn Camp Prong brook trout restoration program in the Smokies is one of the best examples of native brook trout restoration here in the Southeast. Park biologist, and leader of the project, Steve Moore and countless others who care about bringing Appalachia's only native trout (well, char) back from near extinction are working hard. They electro-shocked Lynn Camp Prong in order to eliminate the non-native rainbow trout several months ago. When they returned to electro-shock a few days ago, they hoped to only capture good numbers of healthy brook trout. What they shockingly found was several good sized rainbow trout, obviously intentionally stocked into the stream by careless and selfish fisherman who wanted rainbow trout to dominate Lynn Camp. A good portion of the proceeds from Troutfest went to the Lynn Camp Prong restoration project. Thanks to the idiotic choices of these careless fisherman, the Lynn Camp project has now went awry. Let's hope the Park service can get back on track. Oh yeah, it would likely be a $250,000-$300,000 fine...


Michael Agneta said...

That's a real shame considering all of the work (& resources) that was obviously put in. I wish them good luck in the future, and hopefully mishaps like this will not continue to occur.

Mark said...

With all the hatchery supported water available for rainbows and browns, why in the world would you do something like that. Not to mention all the other wild populations of bows. Makes no since to me.

Tyler Legg said...

It doesn't make any since to me either. There are miles upon miles of great rivers that hold rainbow trout in and around the Smokies. It seems as if you have to be mental to go and mess up a brook trout restoration project. It boggles my mind.

Brk Trt said...

Its a shame that people have an opportunity to do something good, just by minding their own business.

Leave the brook trout be. Fish for other trout where they are stocked and enjoy yourself.

I love those little guys.

Nice video, informative.


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