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Tyler Legg
Charlotte, NC, United States
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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Eastern Green Drake Nymph- it's a wiggle nymph, so it has some killer movement when in the water.

 BLT Hopper- A great go-to hopper pattern. Like all good hoppers, it rides low, but is highly visible.

 Legg's BWO Emerger- A pinch of Zelon and 3 Microfibett tails creates the trailing nymphal shuck, imitating an emerging BWO.

 Legg's Foam Inchworm- Inchworms are out across the state. It floats like a cork and remains upright thanks to the elimination of all of the bottom hackle fibers. Take a Prismacolor marker and add some black dots to the green foam for added detail.


Bill Trussell said...

Outstanding flies that you have tied. I am really impressed with both wiggle nymphs. In fact the fly shop on the tailrace where I fly fish has never stocked those flies. What size are those--do you use them as a dead drift or can you use them as a dropper?

Tyler Legg said...

Hey Bill,

Thanks for the kind words! Hope all is well down in 'Bama.

It's a #6 hook, with a trailing #12 curved shank hook with the hook point clipped off. I tied this one relatively large.

Dead drifting or using them as a dropper works well. Since this fly is pretty heavy, you have to use a very buoyant dry fly (one with foam works well).

Tyler Legg said...

Thanks Mark! I'm using 2mm foam on the inchworm.

StridArt said...

Great Flies...I havent seen that type of combo before with the wiggle in it. very cool. I'll have to paint one.

Tyler Legg said...

They're fun to tie for sure!

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