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Tyler Legg
Charlotte, NC, United States
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Thursday, March 18, 2010
Troutfest is right around the corner. You probably noticed the banner at the top of the blog. Click on it to visit the website. If you enjoy fly fishing, fly tying, live music, great food, and great people, you don't want to mess out. If you were at Troutfest last year, you probably remembered how great it was. Now, imagine it even better than last year. The fun begins on Friday May 14th with the banquet. Then, on Saturday and Sunday the 15th and 16th, the show starts. You will have the opportunity to meet 3 of fly fishing's legends, Joe Humpreys, Bob Clouser, and Lefty Kreh. Joe, Bob, and Lefty will be there all weekend demonstrating. Troutfest 2010 will be held at the Townsend Visitors Center in Townsend, TN (if you're driving down Lamar Alexander Blvd, you'll see the cars, people, booths, etc). I will be there from 1pm-5pm on Saturday as a fly tying demonstrator. Make reservations for hotels, campsites, cabins, rental homes, etc ASAP!!! They're filling up fast. The excitement is slowly building as May draws closer!!


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