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Tyler Legg
Charlotte, NC, United States
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Saturday, March 27, 2010
1.) After a chilly start this morning, we've landed in the mid to upper 50's. Low 60's might be reached today. If you're going to be up in the mountains on a trout stream, it's going to be on the cool side. Especially if you're out in the evening. Tomorrow will be cool, with rain and thunderstorms in the forecast. Next week looks spectacular if you have a fishing trip planned. Temperatures will warm into the upper 60's to low 70's by mid week across most places in western NC. Spring here in NC, as we all know, is a little inconsistent this year. We have seen highs in the 70's one day, before diving back into the 50's and low 60's the other. Wait until after Easter if you're a gardener to plant anything. Every once in a while, we'll see lows dip down into the thirties. Spring is taking it's time in getting here!! I'd imagine that temperatures will start to level out in the next week or two.

2.) Delayed Harvest streams have been fishing very well. There are plenty of fish in the DH waters. Give Stone Mountain, Wilson Creek, Mitchell River, South Mountains, etc a try. I'm not really fishing C&R waters right now, as the DH waters will switch to Hatchery Supported on June 4th. I'm soaking in the DH fishing until it closes. Then, you'll find me in the Smokies, on the Davidson River, on wild streams, etc.

Give these patterns a try:

Hise's Hetero-Genius
San Juan Worm
Copper Johns
Pheasant Tail Nymph
Kaufman Stone
Woolly Bugger
Quill Gordon

3.) I'm still making podcasts, just not as frequently as thought. I'm trying to make them last for a long time. Creating podcasts every weekend would be to much!! Click on the "Podcasts" navigational tab at the top for them.

4.) I'm really liking the new blog layout. I haven't found any problems with it at all. (again, if you have problems with it loading, give me a shout) Gives it a whole new look. I'm still keeping my eyes pealed for ways to make it better.


Lance Milks said...

Hey Tyler,

I went up to the mitchell on Tuesday of this week and man let me tell you. Between the high water and even higher winds it proved to be an uneventful day. Not only did I get skunked but every other guy I happened to chat with was having the same results. very slow day to say the least.


Tyler Legg said...

The wind was pretty bad. It's always worse up in the mountains. The Mitchell fishes really well sometimes and on other days the fishing is horrible. Sorry to hear about a fishless trip man!! I wonder what Stone Mountain is like right now. I think I'm going to start fishing Wilson Creek more than Stone. If you ever want to fish a consistent river, Wilson is the one.

Lance Milks said...

I keep saying im going up to Wilson. I just need to pic a day and say do it. Ive heard nothing but good stories about it.

Tyler Legg said...

Wilson Creek is on fire to say the least right now. NCWRC stocked Wilson with some absolute monsters. I watched several fish in a pool that were 19-22 inches. Wilson is now 2nd on my list of NC trout fisheries. Davidson River is first. I've never seen such a well maintained, and excellent fishery as Wilson. Hopefully it stays that way. You'll definitely be impressed with Wilson!!

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