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Tyler Legg
Charlotte, NC, United States
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Sunday, January 31, 2010

1.) Low and behold, snow started falling Friday around 3:00 in the afternoon. Meterologists were expecting the snow to start towards 7 or 8 o'clock that evening. By 6:00 PM we had and inch and a half on the ground. Eventually, the green grass (well, more along the lines of dead grass) was defeated by the accumulating snow. It snowed for the bulk of the night, varying in intensity. By 9 AM yesterday morning, there was a 20+" snow drift on the front porch, wedged up against the door. The back porch had a snow dift comprised of 10" of snow. 6-7" fell here in Kannapolis, the more south and east you go, the less snow you see. For us, this is the most snow we've seen since the February '04 monster that buried our house in 20"+ of snow. Our next round of snow looks to be next weekend. Buckle up, this February is going to be interesting...

2.) The interstates and highways are for the most part, passable. It's the secondary roads that are still iffy.Especially up in the mountains where it's colder. Take it easy if you decide to go fishing today, tomorrow, or even Tuesday. I think I'm going to get some tying done today and tomorrow. If I come up with anything interesting, I'll post it.


Fish Whisperer said...

Tying sounds like a great option. A stiff drink next to a fire is another.
Tight lines

Tyler Legg said...

Yeah, doesn't look like fishing will be an option given some of the road conditions in the mountains here...

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