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Tyler Legg
Charlotte, NC, United States
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Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Fishing Status: Slow (Unless you like walking through a foot of snow to get to the river...)

1.) As the title implies, there may be a few snow showers that wander through NC later tonight. Most of the heavier stuff will be confined to areas along and north of Interstate 40, and roughly from the Triad to the Triangle. Not a lot in most places, but, a few neighborhoods could see upwards of 2-5 inches (like always think towards the lighter side). It's a WHOLE different story for the mountains, as folks along the border of TN/NC are in for a wallop. NWS is calling for 4-8 inche in the lower areas, and up to a foot along the higher elevations on and adjacent to the border.

2.) On to fishing....Well, snow is already beginning to fall in a few places up in the high country, and it will continue through tomorrow night. Fishing will be EXTREMELY tough for a while. Snowshoes are almost more of a necessity than a fly rod in most mountainous places in the state. A reliable wading belt is also a MAJOR necessity when temps are cold. One slip on a moss covered rock, and you'll be under before you're able to call for help. The only thing hatching right now are midges...Not a lot, but a few sporadic hatches may occur, if it gets above freezing. It's a little too cold for BWO's, so if you venture out, use any of your favorite small nymphs and fish it on the bottom. A few of my favorite Wintertime flies are a #18 Lightning Bug, a #22 Zebra Midge, a #18 PT nymph, and my alltime favorite fly...a #10 Sheepfly.

3.) Huh, just looked out the window, it's snowing over here in Kannapolis. Coming down at a nice clip too.


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