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Tyler Legg
Charlotte, NC, United States
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Saturday, September 29, 2012

We've got less than 36 hours until Delayed Harvest picks back up once again! For all of you DH fans, it's a relief. DH waters are usually easily accessible and are full of fish. The opening of all of these waters will give us anglers more variety and more to chose from. Not all waters will be stocked on October 1st. Check the stocking dates here.

This year, we have 4 additional waters that were added to the list. Spring Creek in Madison County, Ararat River in Surry County, Coffee Lake in Watauga County, and Elk Creek in Wilkes County.

Once the fish have been stocked, they'll be grouped up and not very smart. Once you find the fish, you're in for a field day. Eventually, they'll spread out and become smarter. A generic beadhead nymph would be my go to pattern. Prince Nymphs, Hares Ears, Tellicos, and Pheasant Tails will work well. If you're not hooking up, or getting any strikes, chances are you're not getting down deep enough. Add a split shot or two and adjust accordingly until you hit the jackpot.

If you're heading out next week, good luck! Watch the forecast, might be a little stormy at times...



Unknown said...

That's right! Time to head out on those DH streams. No more weaving between the corn chuckers leaving with slightly more then their limit.

Feather Chucker said...

Hmmm, I'm definitely going to hit one of these this Friday. Tyler I thought you got rid of your blog. I did a post on my blog about blogs that represent nc. I did a search for tarheelflyfisher, that was my problem. Your forum came up but not your blog. I've since corrected my post and added your blog to the list. It's definitely one of the best on the web for fishing nc.

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Stocking Schedule Changes!

Make sure you check out the new stocking schedule provided by the NCWRC!

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