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Tyler Legg
Charlotte, NC, United States
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Saturday, August 25, 2012

A lot of y'all have already seen it. For those that haven't, here's a good laugh for you! Can't beat fly fishing humor...


Lance Milks said...

Well Ive got "A River Runs Through it"
and "The River Why", the full beard, the same Ross Arius and I can crack a fly line with the best of them. I'm just glad the someone has confirmed that Ive been doing it right all these years!

Feather Chucker said...

You gotta snap, snap, snap, then skate skate skate.

snap swivel said...

I can't remember the last time I used a snap swivels, I prefer loop knots. I do use swivels though, on bottom rigs, on wire leader bait rigs, and occasionally when casting spoons or Gotchas for macks and bonito. I keep meaning to buy some snaps for attaching Sabiki rigs but I always forget. Come to think of it, the Sabikis I use for bait and silver trout have a snap swivel on the bottom end for clipping on the sinker (I prefer to use a Gotcha instead of a sinker) so I guess I do use them

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