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Tyler Legg
Charlotte, NC, United States
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Thursday, March 15, 2012

Almost feels like summer out there. Almost. Heat, followed by afternoon storms makes you question the time of the year. Thankfully, the humidity has been relatively low lately, though it's beginning to creep up (52% humidity in Asheville with a temperature of 65° at the 11am observation). The temperatures—which are well above average—are making things feel more like early summer. No wet wading just yet (that water is still going to be chilly) but sooner or later, waders will be overkill and wet wading will be the way to go. Of course the temperatures will be the deciding factor. So far, so good. Temps will fluctuate as they normally do in the spring as warm air ahead of the cold fronts is replaced by dry, cooler air behind. Regardless, the weather is absolutely spectacular!

Excellent weather makes for some excellent fishing. You simply can't beat the conditions right now. DH waters are stocked and ready to be fished. Wilson Creek, Stone Mountain, and the North Mills, would be my top 3 DH waters. If DH fishing isn't what you're after, check out the Nantahala tailwater or the C&R section of the Davidson River. I'm confident this weekend will be crowded on most rivers given the warm weather. I'd get there early if possible. Wild waters will eliminate the crowds, so if you don't mind catching a ton of 7" vibrantly colored wild fish, small streams should treat you very well. 

As far as flies go, nymphs in the morning and dries in the afternoon will be the ticket. Quill Gordons, Blue Quills, and caddis are all hatching right now. Try an emerger when you notice the first bugs starting to come off of the water. Fish will usually pick them off first before gorging on the adults. Eventually, once the hatch is well underway, switch to a dry and watch the fish rise to meet it!

With all of this being said, the best advice I can give you is this: GO FISH!


getaalong said...

Absolutely crushed Wilson this week. The fish are dumb and STARVING. It almost didn't matter what you tied on, at one point I was using a way too large BWO and I couldn't stop landing fish. Crowded though, even on a Tuesday. Tight lines!

fishing in tasmania said...

Great story Anytime the words fishing, trout, bass or bluegill appear in print, it will get my attention by the way great article.

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