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Tyler Legg
Charlotte, NC, United States
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Thursday, February 16, 2012

The state will be stocking on a different schedule, as noted on the NCWRC website. Make sure you check the stocking dates if you're planning a trip to a DH stream in the following months! Arriving at your favorite DH river only to discover that the trucks won't arrive until the next day would be beyond frustrating...


Bill Trussell said...

How often does the stocking take place and how many is stocked each time. The reason I am asking is the stocking below the dam at Smith Lake is once every month. The release is 3000----10” to 11" rainbow. One can land a bunch a couple of days after the stocking, but as the trout get use to the surroundings catching them takes a little more expertise. By the way I like your new look on your blog. I know you are not using Goggle, what program are you using?

Tyler Legg said...


Stocking takes place during the first couple of days of March, April, May, October, and November. Some streams are stocked the first day of the month, some don't get stocked until the 6th or 7th. Depending on the stream, the state can stock anywhere from only a few 100 of each species to more than 1,000 (upwards of 3,000+ in total) during 1 stocking. Poachers unfortunately clean those numbers out pretty quickly on some rivers!

Appreciate the kind words on the new look! Nothing much, but did some slight improvements. So far everything is working. I'm using Artisteer, which is definitely a lot different than Google! I'm really liking what you can do with the program. It's $49.95 for the home & academic version. Great program! Easy to use.


THFF Readers

Stocking Schedule Changes!

Make sure you check out the new stocking schedule provided by the NCWRC!

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